Fire Safety

Construction Fire Safety

Construction Fire Safety

Construction sites involve multiple trades, materials and processes that can increase fire risk. The Safety Centre draws on extensive firefighting experience to help reduce hazards on construction sites. Putting robust fire safety measures in place protects workers from harm and safeguards the structure being built.

Fire Alarms

A reliable fire alarm system is one of the most effective ways to enable fast evacuation during an emergency. The Safety Centre’s wireless fire alarm system was developed in collaboration with major construction companies to include all features essential for large-scale projects that need temporary fire protection. It meets current legislation and provides a flexible solution for evolving site conditions.

This wireless system spans impressive distances because of a meshing network that allows each alarm unit to relay signals through other units instead of relying solely on a direct link to the control panel. Long-life batteries reduce the need for frequent replacements and the system can be customised with GSM capability, first aid alerts or intruder alarms. The Safety Centre can advise on setup to meet the specific requirements of each site.

Fire Points and Trolleys

Mobile fire points and trolleys ensure rapid access to fire extinguishers in environments where hazards may shift. They are built with corrosion-resistant materials and robust steel frames. A single, double or triple trolley can hold different combinations of extinguishers to suit various potential fire sources.

These portable stations are well suited to construction sites, petrol stations, festivals, harbours or campsites. Many feature space for a rotary bell or site fire alarm and can accommodate key health and safety information such as a fire zone plan.

First Aid Equipment

The Safety Centre can supply fully stocked first aid kits, eye wash kits and burns kits for minor injuries in protective cases. Training courses that follow the latest best practices in first aid at work help ensure that staff know what to do when confronted with a medical emergency. Proper first aid capability on site can make a critical difference during unexpected incidents.

Contact The Safety Centre

For further details on construction fire safety or to discuss bespoke solutions, contact The Safety Centre to create a safer and legally compliant work environment. Each recommendation draws on long-standing firefighting experience and a commitment to protecting lives, assets and progress on site.

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